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First aid, defined as the immediate, temporary care given in case of  accident or sudden illness, will be given when necessary. First aid will be rendered by the school nurse, health aide, or by a staff member. In case of serious accident, every attempt will be made to contact the parent/guardian before the child is taken to the doctor. Please inform the school of changes in telephone number/address or work locations and provide the name and phone number of an emergency contact.

School Authority To Exclude Children From School

The California Education Code (CED 48211) authorizes the school to exclude students who exhibit evidence of contagious or infectious diseases or children showing evidence of improper hygiene.


To comply with the California Immunization Law, the parents/guardians must make sure each student has completed the required diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DPT), polio, measles, mumps, rubella (MNIR), and Hepatitis B series immunizations before enrolling/starting school. If the immunization is contrary to parents' belief or the result of medical problems, a form must be signed to this effect by the parent/guardian and filed in the school office.

Control Of Diseases & The Common Cold

Check your child daily for signs of illness (cough, sore throat, fever, rashes, etc.). Children with colds should remain at home until most of the sneezing/coughing is over. Please send Kleenex with child when he/she returns to class. Parents can help maintain a high standard of health in our school by observing the following:
 Chicken Pox  2-3 weeks  1 week after eruption first appears
 Conjunctivitis  1-3 days  Until pink eye clears and no pus remains
 Scarlet Fever  1-3 days  10-21 days from onset or clinical recovery
 Strep Throat  4- 10 days  Not less than 7 days
 Impetigo  4- 10 days  24 hours after treatment with Rx medicine
 4- 10 days
 24 hours after treatment with Rx medicine

Medications At School Not Permitted!

Internal medications, including aspirin, cough drops, vitamins, etc. may NOT be administered to a child by school personnel. Under special circumstances, a parent may complete a Health Service Form 11a which, by written and signed request of a physician, authorizes a student to receive medication at school.

Head Lice Policy

It is necessary that efforts be made to effectively control head lice as soon as it becomes evident that a student may be infested. When a student has been found to have head lice, parents will be immediately contacted and the student excluded from school in order to receive proper treatment. Students will be readmitted to school ONLY after they have been checked by appropriate school staff and found to be free of BOTH head lice AND nits. 

It is recommended that parents check children weekly for signs of head lice. When shampooing, observe behind the ears and above the neck for nits or eggs (pearly ovals cemented to hair shaft 1/4" from scalp) or live lice (pin-head size). Routine screening is important, since many students will exhibit no symptoms or itching. If evidence of infestation is found, please notify the school so appropriate action can be taken. Contact friends, sitter, etc. and let them know also. A pamphlet in English and Spanish is available at the school office.    

Useful Links

Are you a student, parent, or community member? Keep in touch with us: