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Poster showing history of Citrus Elementary and original photo
 1936  Constructed as a W.P.A. project. Citrus was dedicated in November 1936, consolidating the Chico Vecino/Nord Avenue School Districts under the name of Citrus Avenue School District.
 Multipurpose Room added. During the 1950's, the 11 rooms housed over 550 pupils, with some classes having over 50 students. Lessons were taught in the halls.
 Addition of Kindergarten wing (2 classrooms) and the South Annex (library & 4 classrooms).
 Citrus was recognized as one of California's top 24 achieving compensatory education schools.
 Citrus boundaries were redrawn due to overcrowding and no growth space.
 Citrus Elementary School 50th Anniversary celebration April 16th (1936-1986). Taped appearance of 50 students, faculty, and staff on ABC television program "Good Morning America." Past and present principals' pictures put on permanent display in main hall.
 Major reconstruction completed on the main Citrus School building. Central heating and cooling systems installed. New lawn and landscaping.
 A new kiln hood, a bike rack and 4 picnic tables were donated by the PTA. All new flooring laid in the main building.
 Citrus goes "on line"! Classrooms get cable! Three new portable classrooms installed to facilitate class size reduction (K-3). 60th birthday celebration activities include:
         * Friendship Wall - designed by Nu Alpha Kappa and P.E.N. with hand prints of every student.
         * Freedom Shrine Dedication in main hall - donated by Breakfast Exchange club
 Summer - Playground renovated and new equipment purchased by the PTA. Sharon Hands Memorial Baseball Diamond constructed. A 4th portable classroom added to campus.
 Citrus Garden Project started with the help of parents, students, staff, Service Learning, Soroptomists and Habitat for Humanity.
 Classroom TV's and VCR's were purchased for each classroom and wired for broadcasting our first "Citrus TV" program
 PTA donated funds for our new basketball goals in the MPR and new benches near the south library annex. Citrus installed a 17-station multimedia computer lab in the library. A BIG thank you to parent Mark Lewkowicz for his time and expertise!
 Updated computer hardware in computer lab. 5 trees planted in alongside basketball courts. Permanent "Outstanding Student" and Special Awards pictures installed next to office.

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