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Supervision On Campus

There is adult supervision outside on campus at 8:00 a.m. Please do not arrive on campus before that time unless you child attends the breakfast program. There is an adult supervisor in the cafeteria at 6:45 a.m. for those children. At the end of the day, there will be adult supervision for an additional 10 minutes after the final bell at 2:15 pm. 

Visitor's Pass

Parents and guardians of students are always welcome to visit our campus and classrooms. When visiting a classroom, we would encourage prior notice to the teacher. Students may not bring friends or relatives to visit. ALL visitors to our school are required to register in the office for a visitor's pass at the time of arrival.

Off-Campus Passes

Parents planning to take children out of school during the day must come to the office and sign their child out of school or send a note with their child stating the time leaving, reason, and a phone number for verification. Students that arrive to school late must sign in at the main office by a parent or gaurdian. 

School Dress

The Board of Education has adopted a policy (Procedure 5035.1) which states that students should attend school dressed and groomed in good taste. The manner in which students dress for school can influence behavior in learning. It is the responsibility of the parents to see that their children are neat and clean and that their clothing is in good repair and fits properly when they come to school. Shoes are to be worn at all times. Sandals, open-toed shoes, or flip flops are not appropriate. Students shall not wear clothing or apparel identified by school personnel as gang related. In instances when attire is an issue, parents will be contacted. Other examples of inappropriate clothing for school include overly baggy pants, shirts which expose the midriff and/or do not cover undergarments, and shirts with alcohol/tobacco logos. Students wearing inappropriate shirts will be asked to turn them inside out or wear a different shirt provided by the school.

Computer Skills

Citrus has a 1:1 ratio of students to Chromebooks.  All students at Citrus School have the privilege of using the Chromebooks/ Internet.  Students are expected to abide by the CUSD Student Network Responsibility Agreement.  The contract states that the students will observe the guidelines for acceptable use, privileges, network etiquette, services, security, and vandalism.  Any violation of the contract may result in revoked access privileges, school disciplinary and/or appropriate legal actions.

Student Council

The Student Council is composed of representatives from each intermediate class (grade 4-5). Students self nominate and interview with teacher leaders, members meet with the teacher advisor twice monthly to share ideas, plan activities and discuss school problems from the students' point of view. Room representatives report back to their classmates and take student input to the council. Watch The Citrus Bobchat for announcements of activities planned by these student leaders.

Citrus Parent Coordinator

All parents are invited to get better acquainted with our school by visiting the Parent Coordinator. The coordinator acts as a liaison between the school and the parents. She is always eager to match parent interests with th needs of our school. The coordinator also facilitates school to home communication and is responsible for writing and distributing The Citrus Bobchat (our parent bulletin) every Friday. Messages for our part-time coordinator should be relayed through the main office.

School Site Council

The Citrus School Site Council is responsible for the direction and budgeting of our special programs. Citrus receives special program funds from the state and federal governments. These programs include our Title I Program, School Based Coordinated Program, and Compensatory Education Program.

New members are elected each October for 2-year terms with the following make-up: 5 parents, 4 teachers, the principal, and 1 other school representative. Those serving need no special background other than an interest in their child's school and the ability to attend a minimum of five meetings per year. If you are interested in being a member, watch for the self-nomination slip that will be included in our Citrus Bobchat bulletin, or contact the school at 891-3107.   

Report Cards

Report cards will be issued three times during the year. The first report card will be issued at parent conference time. The other two will be issued at the end of the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

Safe Schools Plan

Our school has a comprehensive, up-to-date safety plan in place to address a variety of emergency conditions. The plans are reinforced through drills with students and at regular meetings of staff.

On-going training increases our ability to deal with conflict, anger, and other threats to safety. Our plan stresses prevention; our goal is to be prepared.

Your children are surrounded daily by professionals who have dedicated their lives to helping their students. In the event of an emergency, you can count on these caring individuals to keep your children secure.

View our Citrus Safety Plan.

See CUSD Safe Schools Policy

Independent Study

Chico Unified School District does have an INDEPENDENT STUDY program in place. If your child will be absent 5 or more school days, you may contact your teacher well in advance about this program. A contract must be signed by the parent and student agreeing that all assigned work will be completed and turned in the first day the student returns to class. If all the above criteria are met, your student's absences will be excused and he/she will be credited for the days of absence.

Are you a student, parent, or community member? Keep in touch with us: